Going Green

Are we in the 6th extinction event

Philip Russell / Paul Russell Season 4 Episode 8

Welcome back to Going Green, your favorite podcast for probing the pressing environmental matters of our era. In this captivating episode, we tackle an issue of growing significance - the purported Sixth Mass Extinction.

Our planet's history is scarred by five previous mass extinctions, potent reminders of Earth's susceptibility. Presently, a significant number of scientists posit that we find ourselves in the throes of a sixth event, instigated not by natural processes, but by one species - humans. In this installment, we unpack the meaning of this proposition and its profound implications for our planet's trajectory.

The suggestion that we're in the middle of a sixth mass extinction event, often labeled as the Holocene or Anthropocene extinction, arises largely from human-induced environmental changes. The basis of this assertion stems from the unrivaled pace of species loss being witnessed currently. Recent estimates suggest that we're losing dozens of species daily, a rate that is up to 1,000 times the natural or "background" rate of extinction. Predominantly driven by habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and the overutilization of species, this swift biodiversity loss is truly alarming.

However, it's crucial to point out that mass extinction events are typically identified via the fossil record, long post their occurrence. Hence, despite the distressing trends we're observing, it remains a subject of ongoing scientific scrutiny whether we can conclusively categorize this as a mass extinction event on par with the five major ones that Earth has experienced historically.